Pregnancy Confirmation Scan

What is pregnancy confirmation scan?
Pregnancy confirmation scan is also called a dating scan, it is an ultrasound pregnancy scan done between 8 and 14 weeks of pregnancy with two objectives in mind. First is to confirm the location of the gestational sac and number of gestational sac(s) present. It is important to make sure the gestational sac is inside the uterine cavity, known as intrauterine gestational sac (IUGS) while at the same time make sure no gestational sac outside the uterine cavity, ectopic pregnancy, or heterotopic pregnancy. Secondly it is to measure the gestational sac to help estimate your baby’s due date. A dating scan measures your baby, and this helps your doctor estimate how long you have been pregnant, and when your baby is due. It is especially helpful if you aren’t sure when you conceived, especially those women that experience irregular menses cause by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is the most common cause of irregular menses and subfertility.
It’s important to have an accurate estimated due date (or EDD) for your baby so you can have the recommended test at the right time. Knowing how far along you are also important if your baby is born too early, or if you haven’t given birth by your estimated due date and you're thinking about having your labour induced.
May 27,2022