Hepatocellular Carcinoma / Liver cancer

Liver is the largest organ in the body that performs lot of vital functions. These include removing waste products and foreign substances from the bloodstream, regulating blood sugar levels and creating essential nutrients.
Liver disease doesn't always cause noticeable signs and symptoms. If signs and symptoms of liver disease do occur, they may include:
- Skin and eyes that appear yellowish (jaundice)
- Abdominal pain and swelling
- Itchy skin
- Dark urine color
- Pale stool color
- Chronic fatigue
- Nausea or vomiting
- Loss of appetite
The image above is one of our findings from liver screening in assymptomatic Hep B carrier patient. This liver has coarse texture (chirrosis) with nodular hypertrophy segment that showing early sign of inflammation. Large lesion (hepatoma) is seen which defined as hepatocellular carcinoma; primary liver malignancy worldwide.
Routine screening is advised to this patient for further detection of liver cancer and failure.
Generally, Ultrasound is an excellent front-line diagnostic tool for evaluating the liver. It can help assess the presence of liver disease (such as fatty liver), detect liver lesions, and much more. More frequent screening may be recommended for people with cirrhosis, alcoholism or a family history of liver cancer
Explore the Mysteries and grab the liver screening with us!
Our packages and promotions include:
- Upper Abdomen Scan RM120
- Full Body Scan RM428/pax, RM390/pax for more than 2 person
Contact us at 011-23610361 for details/appointments.
booking: https://sonocareultrasound.simplybook.asia/v2/
website: https://www.sonocareultrasound.com.my/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/SonoCareUltrasoundScan
Nov 19,2022